Welcome Ling Grads!

View the calendar to stay up to date on departmental events (like GRoW meetings), CTL & University trainings, and upcoming conference CFPs (call for papers).

GRoW is a weekly meeting space for graduate students in the CU Boulder Linguistics Department.

It is a social space – where we can spend time together. It is also an academic space – where we can get feedback from each other on our work, have time to write with accountability, and uncover the grad school “hidden curriculum.”

The first GRoW meeting of the semester will be on August 24th at 12:30 pm virtually via https://cuboulder.zoom.us/j/95765223591.

Get Departmental Hours for your CTL Certificate by attending GRoW meetings! Download a form to keep track of your hours, and view the list of meetings you can claim for credit!
